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5 ways to naturally improve your energy levels

May 3, 2012, 9:58 am

The Importance of Drinking Water

May 2, 2012, 7:30 pm

How to turn your home into an eco-friendly environment

April 30, 2012, 11:58 am


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55% say twice a week

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See our top ten simple workouts that’ll help get you back in shape!
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Exclusive Interview With Dr. Mercola

Living Section

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We sat down and talked with Dr. Lynn Mercola about the affects of stress in our everyday lives and what we can do to prevent it.

Top Seven Healthiest Restaurants

Food Section

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Finding a decent place to eat a meal that won't wreck your diet can be tough. Check out which restaurants were nominated by our readers to be the top seven healthiest around.

5 Simple Ways To Lose 10 Pounds

Fitness Section

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See what 5 habits you can get into now that will help you shake off ten pounds in no time!


Editors Corner

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I'm proud to announce our very first issue of the online adaptation for Active Living magazine! This month in our living section we have a special interview with Dr. Lynn Mercola on dealing with stress in our every day lives. Make sure to check out the other sections for more advice on healthy living!

-Chris Hansen, Editor in Chief

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