Mya Rose
Mya is a huge environmentalist. She is constantly seeking new things that makes daily life healthier, and therefore more efficient. She vows to share all that she learns on her journey to finding the perfect lifestyle.
Going to Bed Early
It's no secret that getting a good night sleep helps us operate better the following day. But for most of us it's not as simple as shutting down before 10pm. Next time you find yourself staring at the ceiling waiting for sleep try getting up and doing something mundane such as balance a checkbook. You'll not only complete some annoying but necessary tasks, but you'll get the sleep you've been looking for as well.
How to turn your home into an eco-friendly environment
Written by Mya Rose on April 30, 2012, 11:58 am

The key to creating a eco-friendly home environment is to reduce. Little things such as leaving the tv on or leaving windows or doors open can make a big difference on how you save energy. Get into the habit of turning things off when not in use and only run water as long as necessary.
It also helps to invest in newer toilets and shower heads. While a little pricey at times, they make up for outdated models by reducing the amount of water used. While you're at it you might as well invest in some CFL (Compact Florescent Light) bulbs since they use 75% less energy than regular light bulbs and last ten times longer, not to mention you save around $30 for each light bulb.
Dr. Lynn Mercola speaks on dealing with stress.
Dr. Mercola is a one of the country's leading physicians and has been assisting her community for over 15 years. This week I had the chance to sit down and interview Dr. Mercola and discuss the effects of stress in our daily lives.

- Rose: Welcome Dr. Mercola! It's a great pleasure to be able to sit down and talk with you.
- Mercola: Thank you Mya! Glad to be here.
- Rose: Let's get straight to it shall we? Stress seems like a daily thing for people working in this fast paced economy. How can you tell when it starts to negatively affect you?
- Mercola: Well even the littlest bit of stress has been known to cause health issues such as fatigue, over sleeping, and body pains such as headaches and back pain. If you're feeling any of these symptoms then it's most likely a result of some kind of stress.
- Rose: Being a doctor you probably experience stress often huh?
- Mercola: *laughs* Yes I encounter stressful situations all the time. In fact as an med undergrad we were taught how to cope with the stress of death and disease and how they affect you. It's all psychological and deals mainly with your view on work and life.
- Rose: What can the average person do to cope with any stress they might encounter?
- Mercola: The key to being stress free is going in the opposite direction and calming yourself. I know one of my biggest concerns starting out was going home and feeling stressed because I wasn't back in the hospital helping people. I was more stressed at home then I was at work!
Eventually you have to give yourself time to relax or work will overtake you. Go out for a jog, take a warm bath, look for spiritual insight. Even taking a five minute nap can work wonders on your stress levels.
- Rose: One more question since we're just about out of time. What one thing has helped you most conquer stress?
- Mercola: I view stressful things not as threats but challenges of life. In my experience, having a positive outlook from the start drastically reduces the chance of things going wrong in the end.